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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 14 (catorce)

Final part of this daily series, in which we discuss the holiday overall.

There will be more videos to come from this trip, when i get home.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 13 (trece)

A stay of execution and the story of a cake fairy.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 12 (doce)

A meal with a view and a very interesting evening.

Warning: Gratuitous stomach exposure!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 10 (diez)

Today we went with Ainsley, the property owner, to see some of the hill villages above Orgiva.

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 9 (nueve)

Today we are discussing the events of the past two days, when there was an Easter Fiesta in Orgiva.
The Spanish sure know how to celebrate.

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 8 (ocho)

We've been here a week now & the cracks are beginning to show.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 7 (siete)

It was market today in Orgiva. But, also the start of the Easter celebrations. To mark this there was an amazing display of fireworks in the town centre.
I hope to do a longer & more complete video of the day when i return home.
Turn up the volume for the full effect!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 4 (cuatro)

Today we were cooked a great meal by Ainsley the owner of the property we are staying in.
Clive even put on a smart shirt for the occasion. Well, almost smart.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 3 (tres)

Today i took Clive on a walk. Thankfully he kept his shirt on!

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 2 (dos)

We couldn't resist making another video by the pool.

Public health warning - Clive has his shirt off in this video. You have been warned!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Andy and Clive Go To Spain - Part 1.

I am currently on holiday in Spain with a friend of mine, Clive.
Hopefully, i'll be able to document at least some of our adventures.
Here's the first part.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

AudioBoo - Ronnie Montrose RIP

Ronnie Montrose RIP (mp3)

RIP Ronnie Montrose 1947-2012.

Here's a link to a video of that OGWT performance from way back in 1974:

I forgot to mention that Ronnie played in the Edgar Winter Group before forming Montrose. He played on such tracks as Frankenstein  and Free Ride.

I Still Don't Know What To Do.....

Just talking and probably rambling too.

This was recorded a week ago and i've only just got around to posting it.

A beach vlog.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

AudioBoo - Dragging A Vicar.

Dragging A Vicar. (mp3)

It's not everyday that you get to drag a vicar through a graveyard.

Keith's Music: